9 Ergonomic Tips for Your Computer Station (That Protect Your Eyes Too!)

Posted by  On 07-08-2024

You may have come across the terms “ergonomics” or “ergonomically designed”, but what do these really mean?

If something is ergonomic, it is designed to make your working life easier. A split keyboard, for example, allows you to type normally, but your wrists will be in a more natural position instead of bent at awkward angles that can lead to mild pain and discomfort. 

Certain accessories can help make things ergonomic, such as special lenses in glasses, laser eye surgery, and footstools. Similarly, your computer station doesn’t have to be designed with straight, sharp angles; it can have softer features to benefit your posture (for instance).

1. Seating

To ensure you are comfortable with the long task ahead of typing and looking at a computer screen, your chair needs to be adjusted to maximize productivity.

Your chair must be high enough that your feet can be flat on the floor (though a foot stool can also help with this). Your back should be straight without straining your neck to fully see your screen.

Your arms can relax on the armrests, but also be able to reach the desk or keyboard tray while remaining straight.

2. Posture

We often tend to slouch by the end of the day. We are tired after working long, hard hours, so it is natural to just relax and slide back into our chairs.

However, this can lead to back pain, so maintaining the correct posture while seated throughout the day is actually more comfortable and also less damaging to our backs.

3. Viewing your computer

To properly align with your computer screen, you need to be able to look at it straight on. Your line of sight should be just a little over the top of the screen so you do not have to bend your neck downward to see everything clearly. 

You can also reduce the screen’s brightness so that the glare doesn’t strain your eyes and make them feel tired. A blue light filter or privacy screen can be placed over the top to help with this issue as well.

4. Computer screen distance

Your computer screen should not be closer than an arm’s length to you. This prevents eye strain and allows you to see everything without squinting. 

Avoid placing the computer near windows, as the glare from the sun behind the monitor can also affect your vision and eye comfort. 

5. Keyboard placement

Your keyboard and mouse need to be close enough to you that you can comfortably rest your hands on the desk without having to stretch to use either one. 

Different styles of keyboards and mice are available on the market. These allow people to work more naturally and can relieve pressure for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury (RSI). Split keyboards and ergonomically designed mice can provide relief without negative impacts on productivity.

6. Workspace lighting

Adequate lighting in your workspace will prevent headaches and general tiredness. The light source itself needs to be as natural as possible. 

Try to avoid sitting directly under the long tube lights typically found in office buildings. Invest in a natural light source that mimics the sun and changes with the time of day. If you are near a window, good coverings will help reduce the glare and allow for a more sedately-lit area.

7. Phones and headsets

Avoid placing the phone between your neck and shoulder. This will lead to neck pain and cause headaches throughout the day.

A comfortable headset will allow you to sit naturally and keep your hands free to work on the computer or look through a paper file without disrupting your conversation.

8. Go for a walk

Sitting in the correct positions and with the right equipment is a great way to ensure you are comfortable and the risk of bodily strain is reduced. However, we still need to take all-important breaks, get up, and go for a walk. 

This allows our bodies to stretch out, our joints to loosen, and our legs to regain their natural gait. Our eyes can focus on something other than the words on the screen, flashing images, and bright colours, and we can readjust to the world around us. 

9. Reduce repetitive movements

Sitting and typing on a keyboard all day can take a toll on our wrists, fingers, and elbows. To alleviate this issue, every hour or so, move on to another project that involves different movements.

Not only will this give your body a break, but it will also help you mentally. Doing the same tasks repeatedly can dull the mind, so keep things interesting by taking on different jobs.

Contact Clearview Vision Institute

At Clearview Vision Institute, we offer laser eye surgery to suitable candidates. Laser eye surgery can improve your vision, which will lead to less eye strain, enhanced work results, and better vision health overall. If you are between 20 and 80 years old, you may be just right for this life-changing procedure.

Our goal is to correct the vision of millions of Canadians by 2030 with laser eye surgery, and with our amazing team of highly trained professional eye surgeons, and our bladeless technology, this is a reality you can experience as well.

Reach out today and see if you qualify for this amazing procedure and chat with our friendly and professional team about your options. You can call us 416-445-8439 or visit us online and schedule your consultation.

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