How to Keep Your Eyes Safe From Dangerous UV Rays

Posted by  On 21-08-2024

UV rays (or ultraviolet radiation) make up the sunlight we see during the day. There are three types of UV rays: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Fortunately, we do not have to worry about UV-C rays, as they are absorbed by the atmosphere. However, we should be concerned about UV-A and UV-B rays.

Prolonged exposure to UV-A and UV-B rays can result in permanent damage to our eyesight, not just our skin. Thus, it is essential to ensure you have the right protection against these.

Where are UV rays most intense?

Have you ever gone skiing, swimming, or fishing? Have you ever noticed that the sun seems brighter during these activities? In such cases, we find UV rays in a higher concentration as the light is being reflected directly into our eyes. 

Any reflective surface, such as water, ice, or metal, will increase UV ray intensity, which can cause a variety of ailments, including photocarcinogenesis (which can lead to skin cancer) and photokeratitis or “snow blindness.”

The impacts on our eyes can also vary from mild pain and discomfort to permanent blindness and irreversible damage to the eye itself. 

Additionally, UV rays can be found in higher concentrations where the atmosphere is thinner, such as in the north and south poles, or where the earth is closer to the sun, such as at the equator.

However, with the environmental damage that the atmosphere has sustained due to chemical plants and industrial advancements, we are seeing higher exposures to UV rays everywhere.

How to Protect Yourself Against UV Rays

Luckily, it is within our power to keep our bodies safe from exposure to harmful UV rays without limiting our activities in the process. While we cannot turn back the industrial clock, we do have the means to protect ourselves—and all within our budget.

Hats and Head Coverings

Hats with a brim can reduce sun exposure to our faces and heads while helping us keep cool. For example, the shade provided by baseball caps might not extend to our whole body, but can aid in keeping the sun out of our eyes.

Larger sun hats with oversized brims, or even fishing hats with long covers attached at the back, provide better protection. While they are not necessarily fashionable, they are extremely functional. 

For the avid fisher, a neck protector can also help guard against the reflected UV rays, and protect the skin around your neck, chin, and face.


Gone are the days when we could freely play outside without having to worry about sunscreen. Additionally, applying a thin layer of sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 10 is no longer enough.

Today, we understand better the damaging effects that sun exposure has on our skin and eyes. Therefore, using a sunscreen lotion with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 50 or higher can protect us from burns and skin cancer. 

Additionally, a sunscreen lotion with added vitamin D will keep your skin moist, maintain your vitamin D intake, and provide the ultimate protection.


The sunglasses market is one of the most widespread and lucrative today. From fashionable eyewear to glasses specifically designed for fishers and construction workers, there is a pair available for everyone.

Lenses of different colours and shades (with a polarized option) are the first line of defence for your eyes, and one of the most important accessories you should keep on you at all times.

Most of our windows at home and work have UV ray filters built into them, so we are protected from the sun inside. When outside, though, sunglasses should be worn at all times.

Reduce Your Sun Exposure

Obviously, simply staying out of the sun’s harsh glare will help protect you. While it is good to get outside, soak up some daylight, and enjoy the cooler air, remaining under the sun for too long risks UV ray damage and heat stroke.

Keep hydrated and try to limit your stay outdoors to only a couple of hours each time. If you need to be outside for long periods, find shelter under large patio umbrellas, gazebos, and other similar areas to reduce the sun’s effects.

Drink a Lot of Water

Maintaining your water intake helps to keep your body hydrated and functioning. This is particularly important when spending time outside in the sun. The warmer the weather, the more your body will dry out, so keeping hydrated is essential. 

This will also affect your eye health. The more dehydrated you become, the more your eyes will suffer. This includes tired eyes, dryness, eye strain, and headaches. Drinking more water will help retain the vital moisture needed for your eyes.

The Impact of UV Rays on Our Eyes

It must be understood that the different UV rays will affect our eyes and skin differently.

UV-A is a penetrating light that will go deeper into the skin cells, causing burns, premature aging, and possibly leading to skin cancer. In areas where the skin is thinner, such as around the eyes and the eyelids, this can happen much faster.

UV-B directly impacts the eye itself, starting with the shallower areas of the eyes, such as the cornea and lens. This can lead to blind spots, snow blindness, and other damage to the eyes, resulting in cataracts and even permanent blindness.

Sunglasses with built-in filters for both UV-A and UV-B offer the best options to protect against such rays. This is more essential should you have any previous eye condition or have had LASIK eye surgery, making them more vulnerable to damaging effects.

For example, macular degeneration, existing cataracts, or even vision-correcting LASIK eye surgery can leave our eyes more vulnerable to harmful UV rays.

Contact the Eye Care Experts

When it comes to LASIK eye surgery, the results are impressive. LASIK eye surgery (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is the leading procedure in corrective eye surgery. However, for lasting effects without hindrance, the right sunglasses will make all the difference.

For more information about LASIK eye surgery and its wondrous vision correction, and to see if you are a good candidate, call the Clearview Vision Institute at 416-445-8439 today or go online to book a consultation.

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