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Farsightedness (Hyperopia astigmatism) Treatment Toronto

An introduction to farsightedness

  • Hyperopia astigmatism, or farsightedness, is an eye condition in which people see distant objects clearly, but close objects do not come into proper focus.
  • Farsightedness occurs if your eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, so light entering your eye is not focused correctly.
  • People with farsightedness can temporarily correct it with glasses or contact lenses.
  • For a more permanent solution, laser eye surgeons can change the shape of the front part of the eye to cure farsightedness.
  • The doctors at Clearview Vision are the best opthamologists to help correct your myopia astigmatism.

Farsightedness symptoms and lifestyle impacts

Apart from being a vision problem, farsightedness can result in eyestrain.

If you are farsighted, your eyes have trouble seeing objects up close and need to work harder to do so. This effort causes eye strain. Sometimes, your symptoms will be a result of the farsightedness and the eye strain that farsightedness induces.

Farsightedness symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision for words or objects up close
  • Squinting to see better
  • An aching or burning sensation around your eyes
  • A headache after reading or other tasks that require you to focus on something close
  • Because so much of what we do is up close, you may find you depend on glasses for nearly everything.
Causes of farsightedness

Causes of farsightedness

Farsightedness (the medical term is hyperopia astigmatism) happens when your eyeball is slightly shorter than usual, or your cornea is flatter than required for clear vision.

Farsighted people can see things that are far away (e.g. people’s faces in the distance), but find things that are close-up blurry (like the text on your mobile’s screen).

Nearsightedness (the medical term is myopia), in contrast, means that light focuses behind the retina, and close objects can appear blurry.

In younger people, many farsighted eyes can self-focus by utilising the ‘zoom’ intended for reading to compensate for the blurring. As the eye ages, however, this ‘zoom’ gets weaker, so near vision becomes blurred.

Later in life, distance vision becomes blurred as well. That means that farsighted people often require reading glasses before their 40s, and then require both reading and distance glasses (or bifocals) from their 40s or 50s and onwards.

As with nearsightedness, laser eye surgery can correct farsightedness by changing the shape of the cornea. When we reshape the cornea, we can match the cornea’s focusing power to the length of the eye. The image above illustrates where the light focuses in normal vision and in a farsighted eye.

If you have a flat cornea you will be farsighted. If your eyeball is shorter than average, you will be farsighted. Both conditions cause light to focus beyond your retina instead of on your retina.

Farsightedness can be hereditary, so you’re more likely to be farsighted if your parents were farsighted.

Farsightedness examination in Toronto

Despite it being obvious they need glasses or contact lenses, many people don’t know whether they are farsighted or nearsighted.

An eye doctor or eye surgeon can conduct an eye examination to determine if you’re farsighted.

First, the eye doctor or surgeon will check as you read letters on an eye chart simulating different distances.

Then the eye doctor or surgeon will ask you to look through a variety of lenses to correct your vision, progressively making close objects appear more clearly.

Farsightedness treatment in Toronto

Laser eye surgery for farsightedness is in its second generation. Depending on factors like corneal thickness, the severity of prescription and lifestyle, eye surgeons typically recommend either LASIK or PRK :


Can farsightedness worsen with age?

Yes, farsightedness, also known as hyperopia, can worsen with age. This is primarily due to the natural aging process of the eye, known as presbyopia. Presbyopia typically becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s, and it affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects. As the eye ages, the lens becomes less flexible, making it harder for the eye to adjust and focus on nearby objects. While presbyopia is more related to difficulty seeing up close, it can exacerbate existing farsightedness, making it more challenging to see clearly at both near and far distances.

Are there lifestyle changes that can help manage farsightedness?

To manage farsightedness, regularly visit an eye care professional for check-ups and wear prescribed glasses or contact lenses consistently. Ensure good lighting for close-up tasks, take breaks from screen use, and maintain a balanced diet rich in eye-friendly nutrients. Additionally, protect your eyes from UV rays with sunglasses and consider quitting smoking to promote overall eye health.

What factors are responsible for farsightedness?

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, occurs when the eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature. This leads to light entering the eye to focus behind the retina instead of directly on it, causing distant objects to appear clearer than nearby ones. Genetics, aging, or certain medical conditions can contribute to the development of farsightedness. Eyeglasses or contact lenses with converging lenses are commonly used to correct hyperopia by adjusting the focal point of incoming light.

What are the symptoms of farsightedness?

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is characterized by symptoms such as blurred vision when focusing on close-up objects, eyestrain, headaches, and difficulty reading small print. Individuals with hyperopia may also experience eye discomfort and may find themselves squinting to improve near vision temporarily. If these symptoms are present, it is advisable to undergo an eye examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist to determine the extent of farsightedness and receive appropriate corrective measures, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. Regular eye check-ups are essential for maintaining optimal eye health.

What are the potential complications of untreated farsightedness?

Untreated farsightedness (hyperopia) can result in eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision, particularly during close-up activities. Over time, persistent hyperopia may lead to difficulties in tasks like reading and an increased risk of accidents due to compromised depth perception. In children, untreated hyperopia could contribute to the development of conditions like strabismus (crossed eyes). Addressing farsightedness through corrective measures, as advised by an eye care professional, is crucial to preventing these potential complications and maintaining overall visual well-being.

How do you fix farsightedness?

Corrective lenses or surgery are options to help people with farsightedness see better

Does farsightedness improve with age?

It depends on the level of farsightedness and age. The natural lens inside of our eye is flexible in our younger years and for people with farsightedness, they may be able to flex their lens in order to see most distances without corrective lenses. As people approach their 30s and 40s and the natural lens loses its flexibility, they may start to depend on corrective lenses for near, and some require it for distance to see things more clearly as well.

Do you need glasses for farsightedness?

It depends on the level of farsightedness and age. If you find your vision is blurry and your doctor determines that you have farsightedness, corrective lenses may be prescribed to help you see better. Refractive surgery is also an option for adult patients who wants to see better without depending on their corrective lenses as much

Is farsightedness genetic?

Partly, yes. It depends on a number of complex factors interacting, including genetics and environment

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